Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Copyright Marzia Bo (little sis) & Federico Betti.

Lembeh Strait, Indonesia, Diving Trip February 2012.

Stay tuned....movie coming out soon.

PS: picture of the title by Federico - due splendidi nudibranchi!
PPS: traveling around the world...it runs in the family!


Stefania said...

If it runs in the family your mum either skip the gene or it's just a carrier!

Luisa said...

I really liked the hairy frog fish, supercool!! When can I watch the whole movie?? bisous

Ale said...

Ste...I know, you would think but it was actually there and active the gene...she went traveling in Tunisia on her own in her past glorious days...seems like it reverted to the dormant state at some point!

Luis!! passo il messaggio alla sorella! erano molto proud del hairy frog fish!...per chi non sapesse, e' super raro e un animale "da collezione" per chi va scuba diving!