Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Yes...I've married Star Trek...

A grande richiesta...

No pointy ears this year but a lot of blue...

...and finally...

For those who don't know...this is an Andorian Starfleet Officer. 

And he got to be famous too!

Other fans...

A very tall Spock!

A Canadian Andorian

...how cute they are!!

We are Borg. Resistance is futile.

Mr. Data...and the priceless look of the boy!

Kay Winn and another Andorian. Star Trek has no age!

...I had to try it on...!!

Nest stop: California and the Big Sur.
Stay tuned!!

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Get your kicks on route 66

Adventure, trekking (also star trekking ;)...eh eh!), camping, hot weather and very long travels on-the-road...